Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Coping With Holiday Stress

"Joy to the World" and "Peace on Earth" - well-known holiday aphorisms, yet the holidays can be an intensely stressful and at times even unpleasant part of the year for many of our clients, and for us as well. There are a variety of reasons the days between Thanksgiving and New Year's can be particularly difficult, and while some of them are common to many of us, others are tied intimately to our personal history. As Counselors, we know that often times just becoming aware
of those challenges can begin to change them. By working with our clients, and in our own self-examinations and self-care, to identify those emotional triggers that rocket our anxiety and other negative emotions into the stratosphere during this time, we can begin to confront and challenge the underlying issues robbing us of our Joy and Peace.

Some common conflicts include increased financial concerns; the end-of-year rush to get things done; a sense of loss of time and reflecting on what didn't get done this year, unmet resolutions and feelings of failure; familial expectations and family-of-origin history and conflicts; discrepencies between an "ideal" holiday season or celebration and the often messy and chaotic reality; disappointment from unmet expectations from self and significant others... combine these stressors with socially imposed pressure to "buy the right gifts", not forget anyone, engage in forced social interactions (such as office parties), and exhibit "good cheer" and throw in usually bad weather, the physical discomfort of overeating and effects of cortisol, and oftentimes alcohol, and it's no wonder so many people suffer from "holiday blues".

So how to help? Whether we are talking about self-care of helping clients, the same basic rules apply. Recognize and acknowledge the challenges we all face during this time. Engage with your clients about their expectations for the holidays, and their disappointments and help them to verbalize these inner dialogues. Once we have a clear understanding of the emotions driving us during this time we can begin to examine them honestly and prioritize our actions and choices to best meet our own needs.

So you are sick and tired of having the same argument with your older brother year after year, but every year you get drawn into it nonetheless? Recognize that and choose to disengage this year - lay out a plan for doing so. Perhaps you always feel a great deal of pressure to get the "perfect gift" for your spouse, why? Maybe it's time to discuss that with him/her or understand that you are trying to make up for past problems with a present. It could be that you dream of making holiday memories with your children, but you run out of steam or day before you've even gotten to do much more than feed them. Maybe you just get so exhausted by the go, go, go that starts with Black Friday shopping at midnight after Thanksgiving, continues straight through tree-trimming and snow-shoveling and doesn't let up until tax filing when you can finally breathe, and sleep, again. Perhaps you should cross a few things off your list this year? Maybe carve out a day for self-care, sleep, or just reading a book?

Help your client (perhaps practice on yourself first) to develop a list of personal "rules" for this holiday season. To be most effective, keep the list short (no more than 10 items, I've found 4-5 works best) and specific (not only the rule, but the solution) and the rules simple (leave little ambiguity or "wiggle room"), and make sure they address the individual's specific needs. Some ideas may include things like: "I will NOT argue with my dad about money this year. Instead I will simply say "This is a source of stress for me every year and this year I choose not to talk about it." "I WILL get at least 6 hours of sleep every night in December." "I will NOT set 'resolutions' this year, but instead will write down simple, attainable goals." "I will limit my Christmas dinner to 5 dishes." "I will play outside with my kids for 1 hour every week in December." Or even, "I will use disposable plates and tableware this year so that I can spend less time cleaning up and more time with my kids."

By understanding the underlying causes of stress, identifying and addressing them specifically, and making succinct and achievable rules and choices to modify our own behaviors we can overcome the challenges of the season and infuse the end of the year with real Joy and Peace.

West Kentucky Chooses Spring Conference Topics

WKMHCA will be offering 6 CEU/EILA credit hours (pending approval) at their spring conference, held in conjunction with the WKCA conference at Lake Barkely Lodge. There will be two separate sessions, one on Sand Tray Therapy and one on Utilizing Technology to Improve Counseling Efficiency. Please look for more information soon! Mark your calendars and plan to join us at this beautiful location for a low-cost way to gain CEU's early in the year and meet up with professionals from the Western part of the state!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

West Kentucky Mental Health Counselors Association (WKMHCA) Planning Meeting

October 15th, 2013
WKMHCA leadership met in Mayfield, Kentucky to discuss the program for the spring WKMHCA meeting at Barkley Lodge in association with West Kentucky Counseling Association (WKCA). They also reviewed the proposed changes to the licensure law which will be discussed at Kentucky Counseling Association (KCA) Fall Conference October 24th.  The group discussed the changes being suggested by members of the Kentucky Professional Counselor’s Board.  Several LPCCA’s who are currently being supervised by one of the leaders were in attendance. 
     Amy Washington, President of KMHCA, offered to present a session on working in groups with adolescents. Amy has had extensive experience in working with groups of adolescents with significant behavioral and emotional problems through girl’s and boy’s group homes in Western Kentucky. In addition Donna Barrix suggested contacting presenters who could do a session on Sandbox Therapy.  These were the primary topics presented by the group for discussion.  Both topics were approved and the leaders agreed to seek further information about these topics to help with planning the spring program. 
     Discussion about the proposed licensure law changes was very positive with members expressing their approval of the proposed changes.  There were some questions related to the nomination of new Kentucky Professional Counselor Board members.  The new law, as proposed, gives the authority of nominating new board members exclusively to Kentucky Counseling Association.  Amy Washington, current president of KMHCA, indicated that she felt it would be a good idea to include KMHCA in these decisions and the best way to have this documented was to have KCA consider adding to their bylaws that KCA  would include KMHCA in the process of nominating new candidates for these board positions.  This would be a blending of previous procedure for nominating candidates to the governor who makes the appointments to this board. Originally, KCA was responsible for making these nominations, but when the licensure law was passed, it was written in the new law that KMHCA was responsible for nominating professionals to the governor for appointment to the board.  WKMHCA leaders and members in attendance in this meeting expressed interest in having KMHCA continue to play an important role in this process.
     WKMHCA leaders and members also expressed concern that requiring two tests as a part of licensure would be burdensome to applicants for licensure.  They indicated that the cost of the tests for persons not working in permanent positions and the pressure to study and prepare for two very comprehensive exams would present barriers which might not prove helpful in building the profession.
     WKMHCA leadership made it clear that all interested counseling professional counselors would be welcome to attend and participate in the spring conference.  CEUs and EILA credits will be offered for these trainings.  Further information about dates and times will be published in time to plan for attending this meeting. 
Submitted by Jan Roberson

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

October is Attachment Parenting Month

For those of you interested in attachment related issues or early childhood development you might peruse the information available at Attachment Parenting International's website. For those of you who attended the conference last spring at Lake Barkley you might recognize some of these names as they were presenters for ourworkshops  on attachment. 

You can sign up for API's free enewsletter and check out the API website today at www.attachmentparenting.org. API benefits thousands of families every day by helping to foster secure attachment that is vital to the well-being of children. API helps parents find their instinct to parent and provides a community of support. API is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

KMHCA and WKMHCA join forces to plan for 2013-14

The West Kentucky Counseling Association (WKCA) met on August 30th at the Murray State University Curris Center.  Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors from Western Kentucky used this opportunity to discuss and plan actions for the newly vitalized Kentucky Mental Health Counselors Association (KMHCA). The counselors association was enthusiastic about the progress so far in reorganizing KMHCA. A highlight of the meeting was the introduction of new officers in KMHCA who were appointed by KCA Executive Director, Karen Cook.  They include Amy Washington, President, and Alan Bakes, President Elect.  Jeri Harrell, Treasurer for KMHCA, was not present for the meeting. Officers from other parts of the state include Shanna Goggins, Secretary Technical Coordinator, and Dr. Marie Shafe, Coordinator of Programs and support for other officers. In addition, newly appointed Citizen at Large for theKentucky Board of Professional CounselorsDr.Sandra Parks, was introduced to the counseling group during their semi-annual meeting.  Dr. Parks of Murraywas appointed to this office by Governor Steve Beshear.  

    The KMHCA members discussed informally new projects and communication outlets for the group.  A formal meeting is planned for October 24th at the yearly KCA meeting in Louisville.  The Kentucky Board of Professional Counselors will hold a board meeting on October 24 in the morning to discuss possible changes in regulations related to licensed counselors.  In addition the board will host a luncheon for all licensed counselors in Kentucky following the board meeting.  Again, proposed changes in regulations in the licensure law will be discussed.  

     As a part of the WKCA meeting, The Bridges counseling group located in Murray, Kentucky presented a program describing different methods of using Play Therapy in working with children and adolescents.  The group earned CEU and EILA credits for attending this meeting. The presentation was offered at no cost to the participants and a luncheon was provided by Murray State University at no cost to the organization.  This meeting has always been an excellent opportunity for counselors in Western Kentucky to communicate and build relationships.  Discussion of the spring meeting of WKCA and WKMHCA at Barkley Lodge was discussed with members considering the types of programs and training that they would like to see.  WKMHCA will meet again October 15th to finalize plans for the spring meeting which will offer 6 hours of CEU and EILA for participating counselors.  Counselors from any group throughout Kentucky are welcome to participate in the spring WKMHCA meeting to exchange information and gain skills.  

Monday, September 2, 2013

How to Improve Your Relationship: Communication Tips for Couples


Communication can be clear or vague, open or guarded, honest or dishonest – it can even be spoken or unspoken – but there is no such thing as “non-communication”!  In fact, virtually everything we do in the company of others communicates something. Our body language, facial expressions, tone of voice, and level of interest (or disinterest) all communicate something to the perceptive listener. 

Because our ideas and interests are transmitted to others through the way we communicate, we’re more apt to get our needs met if we are effective communicators.  The problem is that often we think we’re communicating one thing, but are actually communicating something quite different.  Or we’re communicating so poorly that no one quite understands what it is we’re trying to say.  

Communication has two parts – listening and expressing oneself.  Each must occur for communication to be successful.

To become a more effective listener, try some of these techniques:

Listen…don’t talk!  Give the other person a chance to get his or her own ideas and opinions across.  Listen to understand, rather than spending the time preparing for your defense.  Put aside your own opinions, thoughts and conclusions until you’ve heard (and understood) what your partner is trying to say.  

Don’t interrupt.  Let your partner finish what she or he is saying.  If this is a problem and you typically interrupt a lot, place your hand over your mouth or your chin in your hands to remind yourself to keep quiet.

Don’t jump to conclusions.  Keep an open mind and don’t judge. 

Try to empathize.  Put yourself in your spouse’s shoes as you listen.   

Think before you say anything in response, especially if you are having a strong emotional response.

Don’t look for the right or wrong in what your partner is saying.  JUST LISTEN. 

Remember feelings are neither right nor wrong.  Your partner is the expert on his or her feelings.

Feelings are not facts, but they are essential in understanding why your partner is responding to you in certain ways. You can spend a lot of time arguing about the facts and completely discount your partner’s feelings

Be aware of non-verbal signs and clues (both your own and your partner’s).  These include shrugging your shoulders, your tone of voice, crossing your arms, nodding, avoidance of eye contact, rolling your eyes, facial expressions (smiling, frowning, smirking), foot tapping, etc.

Tone of voice is key – it can make the difference between being seen as supportive and loving or as critical and hurtful. Stop, consider and adjust your tone before you respond.

When responding, let your partner know that you heard what he or she said by using a feedback technique and restating what you heard.  Say something like “I think what you said was…” or “Do you mean that…”or “I understood you to say….”.

Be open to hearing that you may not have heard accurately what your partner said.

Listening and responding with concern and understanding of your partner’s feelings is often all she or he may need from you. 

Don’t give advice unless asked for it, but be prepared to do some problem solving, if that is what your partner requests.

Being a communicator

Sometimes, especially if you are feeling irritated or angry, it may be best to write out your concerns in private and then share them with your partner at a time when you feel calmer.   

Pick the right time and place.  You don’t want to bring up problems when you don’t have time to talk about them.  Pick an occasion when you both have adequate time and choose a place without distractions.  Don’t bring up issues when either or both of you are tired or hungry – usually everyone loses!

Don’t be mean!  State your feelings honestly without being sarcastic or insulting to the other person.   Think about the impact of your words before you speak.

Stick to the issue on the table.  Don’t bring up things that happened long ago.  This is called “gunny sacking” – bringing out the bag of past grievances and dumping it on the table.
Don’t bring other people into the discussion, such as:  “Even your sister thinks that you are selfish!” 

Don’t try to figure out who is at fault.  It is more important to talk about what you both need to do to solve the problem, rather than assign blame.

Avoid starting a sentence with “you”.  It sounds like an accusation or an invitation to fight (which it usually is!).  Stick to “I” statements.  Try the XYZ model for this type of communication:


I feel X
when you do Y
in situation Z

For example:  “I feel hurt when you criticize me when we are with our friends.” 

No name-calling, such as: “You are such a jerk!”.  Avoid verbally abusing people.  Refrain from insults, put-downs, and expressions of disgust.
Think of your partner as a Very Sensitive Person (even if it doesn’t always show on the outside!).  Speak to him or her with kindness and consideration and politeness, just as you would like to be spoken to.

Don’t mind-read.  If you don’t know how your partner feels or thinks, then ASK.
Incorporate positive statements and compliments along with your complaints.  This will soften the blow of any complaints or concerns and make your partner less defensive.

Avoid controlling.  Whenever one person seeks to always be right, always be the agenda-setter and always be the good one, he or she may feel like a winner – but it is the relationship that loses.  You can be right or you can be happy!

Problem-solving:  If it can be achieved, the ideal solution is one where both parties emerge as “winners.”  Define both persons’ needs.  Try to fairly meet those needs, while supporting and respecting both parties’ values - a win/win solution can be achieved!

Remember you only have control over changing yourself, not others. You don’t have to wait for your partner to change.  You can go first!

There is power in solving problems.  Each time you and your partner work out a problem – cooperatively, respectfully, creatively – you strengthen the relationship and establish a model for the future!

Most importantly, remember that all couples have their share of problems.  You are not always going to see eye-to-eye on things, but if you know how to communicate effectively, with kindness and respect, you can get through disagreements with positive outcomes and the love intact!





Contributor: Diane Reed 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Last Days to Submit Nominations for Outstanding Counselors

Date:  August 23, 2013 


KCA is seeking the nominations of outstanding counselors for the annual KCA Awards Program.  Nominations are to be made online at www.kyca.org under the EVENTS TAB - Award Nominations - by August 31st.

Your help is needed in locating these special people.  Please take a look around you for counselors that are deserving of recognition for their leadership skills, dedication and service to their students and/or clients as well as the profession of counseling.  Who do you know that goes above and beyond to meet the needs of others while placing a positive light on the counseling profession?

Nominees must be KCA members and may be nominated in one of the following categories:

 - Counselor Educator

 - Mental Health or Private Practice Counselor

 - School Counselor

 - Career Counselor

 - Dr. Kearney Campbell Award* (KCA's top award)

More information about the process in available on page 20 in the KCA News, now available on the KCA website at www.kyca.org under the Publication Tab.  


Please take a few minutes and nominate a deserving candidate via the quick and easy online nomination process.  Your help is needed and greatly appreciated.

Click KCA Awards Nomination Form to access the form now.


Thank you for promoting recognition of outstanding counselors in KCA!


Karen Cook

KCA Executive Director


Informal Meeting to Be Held

Friday, August 30th is WKCA's fall meeting and workshop at Murray State University. The meeting will take place on the 3rd Floor of the Curris Center. Registration begins at 8:30 AM. There will be an informal meeting of WKMHCA and the new KMHCA officers at the lunch break. Several WKMHCA leaders will be getting together after the meeting for some recreational time at Creative Canvas following the workshop. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

KY LPCC Board Seeking Nominations

The Governor's Office of Boards and Commissions is seeking recommendations from the Kentucky Mental Health Counselors Association for a nominee/representative to be appointed to the KY Board of Licensed Professional Counselors.
If you are interested in making a nomination to the state board here is further information from the state:        
        We are seeking recommendations from the Kentucky Mental Health Counselors Association for a nominee/representative to be appointed to the KY Board of Licensed Professional Counselors.
                 Attached is the application form, which is required for all nominees, and we like a current resume submitted with the applications as well. (If you would like a nomination form and cannot see the attachment please email Amy Washington, amyjwashington@yahoo.com. 

                The forms can be submitted any of the following ways:
  1. E-mail PDF or Word files to:Kelly.Childers@ky.gov orGeoffrey.Dunn@ky.gov
  2. Fax to: (502) 564-2647, attention: Kelly Childers/ Geoff Dunn
  3. Mail to: Geoff Dunn, Executive Director, Governor’s Office of Boards and Commissions, 700 Capital Avenue, Suite 132, Frankfort, Kentucky  40601
 Larry Sexton’s term expires September 23, 2013, and we would like the list of nominees and completed forms sometime around then, if possible.

State Organization Update

Hello Mental Health Professionals!
I wanted to post this update to let you know of some of the things happening with KMHCA. This is a crucial time for LPCC's and LPCA's throughout Kentucky as the board is proposing changes to our licensure law and we continue our efforts to achieve recognition of LPCC's and LPCA's for billing purposes with Medicaid.

Our organization has endured some recent upheavals and changes - but remains a vital group for mental health professionals in Kentucky. We provide many crucial services, such as making recommendations to the governor for board appointments. We hope to provide more services in the future including a referral system for the public, a list of mental health facilities and practices that provide Counselors and counseling services, and a network of mental health professionals that strengthens our profession and our organization.
Along those lines, KCA, parent organization to KMHCA, has appointed new officers in the absence of a functioning central organizational leadership structure. As of June 14, 2013 the current officers of KMHCA are:
President - (myself) Amy Washington
President Elect - Alan Bakes
Secretary/Technical Coordinator - Shana Goggins
Treasurer - Jeri Harrel
KCA appointed the current leaders to a term that encompasses the remainder of 2013 and the next full term which ends August 2014. In that time the current leadership is charged with the responsibility of developing a functional and effective membership list and structure that will allow members to put the officer positions to vote in accordance with our organizational bylaws and will give all Counselors the chance to participate equally in the organizational leadership.
While some of the recent changes to the structure of KMHCA have been beneficial in that they have strengthened many of the regional chapters and provided more opportunities for professional leadership and development, there have been some disadvantages as well in that some areas remain without strong leadership and there is no network for reaching professionals statewide for the important tasks key to all Counselors in Kentucky.
For my part, my goals as President of KMHCA, with the help of our other leaders, and the accompanying target dates are as follows:
~ Review organizational bylaws and align structure appropriately October 2013
~ Host a booth at the KCA Annual Conference - Galt House Hotel. Oct. 23-25, 2013
~ Host an informal meeting for new and returning members to 
   share ideas and discuss organizational structure and bylaws Oct. 23-25, 2013
~ Develop a complete, functional Regional chapter leadership 
    list and contact tree...... December 2013
~ Create or reestablish an online presence through a website or blog...... December 2013
~ Cultivate leaders in areas currently without a functioning leadership... Spring 2014
~ (Re) Establish an organizational treasury account while providing 
    full accountability and open disclosure to membership... Spring 2014
~ (Re) Establish appropriate tax exempt status as possible... Spring 2014
~ Develop a complete, functional membership list and contact tree...... August 2014
~ Provide professional leadership and networking 
    opportunities through website.. August 2014
~ Develop a monthly newsletter/e-newsletter that allows all members 
    to receive effective and timely communications regarding state-wide 
    issues, proposals and changes to laws, information on CEU and other 
    educational opportunities, and a place for regional chapters to share 
    information about their events and leadership.. August 2014
~ Strengthen relationships with KCA, the state licensing board, and 
    the governor's office to allow KMHCA to provide the most effective 
    responsive advocacy possible for Mental Health Professionals 
    throughout Kentucky......... Ongoing
~ Support Regional KMHCA chapters in their efforts to provide 
    educational and professional opportunities locally Ongoing
~ Develop a system for responding quickly to members questions 
    and concerns while also providing timely information pertaining 
    to Mental Health professionals state-wide......... Ongoing
~ Effectively utilize technology to allow more complete engagement 
    of members across the state, to include a web presence, conference calls, 
    E-vents, and web-based voting and registration processes......... Ongoing
~ Provide accountability and dependability to our membership......... Ongoing
If you have any questions, are interested in getting involved, or are seeking a Regional chapter in your area please do not hesitate to contact me. I have begun compiling a list of our membership, so if you know of someone who did not receive this information and has been a KMHCA member or is interested in becoming one please send me their contact information.
Regional Leaders, please send me your complete membership list and contact information so that we can begin the process of establishing a contact tree for reaching all members with pertinent state-wide information.

Thank you all for your support and for the indispensable work you do in offices, clinics, schools, homes, and other settings around the state. I hope to see many of you at the KCA conference in October! 
Warm Regards,
Amy Washington, LPCC
KMHCA President

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Future of Kentucky Mental Health Counselors Association (KMHCA) – A New Beginning

Notes from the South Central Kentucky Mental Health Counselors Association Meeting (SCKMHCA) – Lake Cumberland State Park April 18th, 2013

Facilitated by John LaRusch

Members of KMHCA and KCA officials were invited to attend the meeting to discuss the next phase of KMHCA.
John started the meeting by encouraging those attending to identify the positives which the past year had brought about for the profession. Attending counselors reported that regional organizations had been strengthened with most regions developing a complete training conference for the spring of 2013. Also, they indicated that counselors and KMHCA leaders had been networking with each other more.
Next on the agenda, the members were asked to describe the benefits of continuing KMHCA. The following were reported:
1. Professional/Personal Support.
2. Networking
3. Credibility in the community related to state and national affiliation.
4. Connection to national leadership through AMHCA – By-laws and ethics information.
5. Shared experiences – Firsthand experience with other counselors.
6. CEUs available at little or no cost.
The current president, Michael Cornwall will be stepping down April 30th and there are currently no officers serving KMHCA and none have been identified for the coming year.
Karen Cook, Executive Director of Kentucky Counseling Association (KCA) and Susan Patterson, President of KCA, were present representing KCA. John informed the group that all monies for KMHCA were being transferred to KCA as KMHCA is an affiliate of KCA and the organization is currently not functional. The amount of money to be transferred was not indicated. John indicated that the money could be transferred back to KMHCA at a later date should the organization become functional.
John indicated that the KMHCA Blog will be in operation until the current agreement is completed. It may be reinstituted at a later date and currently comments can be posted by calling Michael Cornwall.
John distributed a form to be completed by those attending asking for volunteers to help with reorganizing KMHCA. John stressed that those volunteering should be prepared to offer their time and energy for all projects indicated as it will be important to have everyone enthusiastically involved and ready to work to restart and improve this important organization.
KCA leaders will work with the current KMHCA leaders including regional presidents to determine how KMHCA officers will be chosen for the coming year.
Karen Cook suggested that KMHCA members interested in becoming state level leaders could attend this year’s annual leadership training conducted by KCA in early August.
It was announced that KMHCA has a board which includes the presidents of all regional groups. The board was inactive during the past year.
One member suggested that the KMHCA mission statement should be reworked to describe the purpose of the organization and other members agreed. The current problem is that the by-laws and mission statement for KMHCA cannot be located. WKMHCA used the KMHCA by-laws and mission statement to develop their own documents and this may be a method of retrieving the KMHCA documents.
John LaRusch indicated that he has offered to act as liaison in reorganizing KMHCA, but that he would not seek and would not accept the office of president.
Those with questions or suggestions my reach John LaRusch at jlarusch@gmail.com or Karen Cook at Karen.Cook.KCA@gmail.com. Ms. Cook’s phone number is 606-685-6009.
In relation to WKMHCA and this information, Karen Cook reported that she does not have a current slate of officers for our group. I am sure this has been forwarded to the current leaders because I personally sent a copy myself at one time. Karen and I discussed the confusion about our organizational make-up and I referred her to the current officers of WKMHCA, specifically Amy Washington, our current president. There is some confusion about the counties making up the western region and Ms. Cook mentioned that it might be advisable to consider combining and renaming Regions 1 and 2 since they both include counties currently being served by WKMHCA.
I shared with the group attending this meeting some of the positive approaches we have instituted in W. Ky. including working to include younger counselors in planning and leadership positions. It was suggested that W. Ky. Counselors might be of help to KMHCA by sharing these examples of activities directed at building membership and including counseling students and younger counselors in WKMHCA. I suggested that we might work with Dr. Samir Patel of Murray State University in initiating these activities as he is currently president of Kentucky Association for Counselor Education and Supervision.
Everyone in attendance agreed that this has been a very difficult year for KMHCA and its affiliates, but the group attending the Lake Cumberland meeting gained support for making the efforts needed to reorganize and strengthen this important organization.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spring Business Meeting

WKMHCA Minutes 3/20/13

20 people in attendance (see registration list)

1. Annual dues increased to $10.

2. Discussed two year terms for officers. Amy Yates moved to keep this the same as in our bylaws. Therefore, current officers would continue one more year of service. Dan Bondurant seconded the motion.

3. Discussed affiliation and possible revision of bylaws. A copy of the current bylaws was given to each attendee. Jan Roberson moved to keep bylaws the same and continue the discussion in the fall as we learn about new leadership at the state level. Jeri Harrell seconded the motion.
KMHCA is part of KCA. KMHCA regions changed last year and our group's geography does not fit the new definition. WKMHCA includes part of Region One and part of Region Two currently.

4. Treasury report: Balance was $1903.03 as of July 25, 2012. Registration fees have not yet been deposited from today's event. Janey Collins moved to accept treasury report. Jeri Harrell seconded.

5. Amy Washington encouraged continued use of the yahoo group (wkmhca@yahoogroups).

6. September minutes were read. Amy Washington moved to accept and Carol Harmon seconded.

7. New business: Judy Bradley gave a report about the LPCC Board. The LPCC board is changing membership. There is an at-large member on the board now from Western Kentucky.
The board is discussing limiting the number of supervisees allowed under one supervisor, having professionals take the NCE exam for LPCA and NMHCE for LPCC, using only LPCC's as supervisors (rather than LMFT, LCSW, LPP), and offering specialty licenses in areas such as play therapy, addictions, and supervision.

8. People are encouraged to respond to the KCA email that requested persuasive letters be sent about regulations that would exclude LPCC's from working at federally funded centers.

9. Motion to close the meeting was made by Dan Bondurant and seconded by Diane Reed.

WKMHCA Spring Conference

The WKMHCA spring conference at Lake Barkley Resort was a great success this year! Despite the fact that ACA held their annual conference virtually on our doorstep we still had 26 attendees including several new faces.
The conference provided 9 CEU/EILA hours for professionals with a morning session on Attachment Theory and Mental Health Significance, an afternoon session on Promoting Healthy Attachments in Older Children and an evening session certifying LPCC's to provide supervision to LPCA's.