Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spring Business Meeting

WKMHCA Minutes 3/20/13

20 people in attendance (see registration list)

1. Annual dues increased to $10.

2. Discussed two year terms for officers. Amy Yates moved to keep this the same as in our bylaws. Therefore, current officers would continue one more year of service. Dan Bondurant seconded the motion.

3. Discussed affiliation and possible revision of bylaws. A copy of the current bylaws was given to each attendee. Jan Roberson moved to keep bylaws the same and continue the discussion in the fall as we learn about new leadership at the state level. Jeri Harrell seconded the motion.
KMHCA is part of KCA. KMHCA regions changed last year and our group's geography does not fit the new definition. WKMHCA includes part of Region One and part of Region Two currently.

4. Treasury report: Balance was $1903.03 as of July 25, 2012. Registration fees have not yet been deposited from today's event. Janey Collins moved to accept treasury report. Jeri Harrell seconded.

5. Amy Washington encouraged continued use of the yahoo group (wkmhca@yahoogroups).

6. September minutes were read. Amy Washington moved to accept and Carol Harmon seconded.

7. New business: Judy Bradley gave a report about the LPCC Board. The LPCC board is changing membership. There is an at-large member on the board now from Western Kentucky.
The board is discussing limiting the number of supervisees allowed under one supervisor, having professionals take the NCE exam for LPCA and NMHCE for LPCC, using only LPCC's as supervisors (rather than LMFT, LCSW, LPP), and offering specialty licenses in areas such as play therapy, addictions, and supervision.

8. People are encouraged to respond to the KCA email that requested persuasive letters be sent about regulations that would exclude LPCC's from working at federally funded centers.

9. Motion to close the meeting was made by Dan Bondurant and seconded by Diane Reed.

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